Recommended volume of diluted whole blood, plasma or serum: 100~400 μL / tube
- Optional: equilibrate PCRopsis Blood substrate with desired buffer by incubating the substrate with buffer for 5~10 minutes and removing the supernatant. However, the PCRopsis Blood substrates are ready to use and are provided pre-washed with sterile, distilled water.
- Tap PCRopsis Blood to ensure the substrate is at the bottom of the tube.
- Add 200~400 μL of sample to a PCRopsis Blood tube and gently pipette up / down to ensure complete mixing.
- Whole blood should be diluted 1:1 with PBS buffer (or other buffers) before applying to PCRopsis Blood tube.
- TIP: stir sample with pipette tip to ensure all of the substrate is coated by the sample
- TIP: lower volumes of sample result in the lowest levels of PCR inhibitors
- Incubate PCRopsis Blood tube with sample for 5~10 minutes at room temperature
- Remove cleaned lysate and use in desired PCR application
- TIP: insert pipette tip along the edge of the PCRopsis Blood tube until the very bottom when removing cleaned lysate
- TIP: wiggle pipette tip if you notice clogging
- TIP: 1~7 μL of cleaned supernatant should be used per 30 μL PCR mixture
PCRopsis Blood is an alternative for:
- Qiagen's QIAamp DNA mini Kit
- Qiagen's QIAamp Circulating Nucleic Acid Kit
The efficient PCRopsis Blood procedure enables consistent detection of DNA from various blood samples. Each lots is carefully tested to ensure maximum quality.
PCRopsis Blood is engineered to quickly and simultaneously bind a variety of PCR inhibitors found in blood samples. These substrates do not bind to DNA. This approach allows direct detection of DNA from blood, serum or plasma without performing time-consuming DNA isolation protocols, centrifugations or other sample manipulations which may introduce mistakes, contaminants or skew the representation of DNA fragments.
Detecting circulating DNA
Life science research
Veterinary pathogen research
Routine applied testing
Life science research
Veterinary pathogen research
Routine applied testing
Studies with PCRopsis Blood
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